So day 8 of life for Jacob didn't involve any trips to the doctor. In fact he had his first trip out of the house that wasn't for a doctor visit.
I think it was a good day for all today. Last night we all got a little sleep as Jacob spent his first night in our bedroom in his pack-n-play. I think maybe Jacob got too much rest though because he's had very little interest in sleeping today. He slept some in the morning, some in the afternoon, but come evening and night he's not having it. After his last feeding he never did go all the way to sleep, and now after his late night feeding he's still fussing and Kelli's trying to rock him to bed with no luck so far. I'll take over after this blog.
Today's other visitors were Aunt Allison, cousin Anna, Grandma Riehle and her friend Linda. Emily Braun, a member of our church group who we'd never met before today, brought a dinner of Italian beef and peppers and it was really, really good.
Jacob and Mommy rode along as Daddy went by his childhood home to take out the garbage one last time as Papa and Nana now live on the east side. We got a photo of Jacob and daddy on the front steps. Was nice.
There Jacob got to meet Jeff, his son Aiden and his girlfriend Jena. After that we went on a family trip to Kroger for a few things and back home.
My anxiety has been a roller coaster today. Jacob's been off and on fussy like a newborn will be, and momma's nerves have been frazzled by an apparent drop in milk production. As I think I've said before, we're not breastfeeding anymore since the kid was having none of it and wasn't getting enough.
Instead Kelli's been pumping and we're giving him that with a bottle. The last couple days her production has dropped and his appetite has increased a little bit and that's stressing her out a lot. We're still staying ahead, but usually only by one serving. She could use some prayers folks (and as always, so could daddy). I told her there's a long way to go between where we are now and giving up on breast milk. We haven't even talked to the experts yet, so that's the plan for tomorrow. Call the experts.
Speaking of experts, I might call the doc tomorrow just to check something. I think Jacob has a little reflux, he has all the symptoms. For many babies, it's not a big deal and they learn to deal, but if it keeps affecting his and our sleep, we need to look into it.
So all told I think today was a typical new parent kind of day. Stressful, but normal perhaps. Jacob seemed fine, but fussy. Mom had her stress out moments and Dad's anxiety had its peaks and valleys.
Here's to another day in paradise tomorrow. Keep praying for us, and thanks.
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