Though it is about the blurriest ultrasound I've ever see, the photo above is the first photo of the newest member of Kelli's and my family. That's right, as if any of you haven't heard our shouts of joy, Jacob is going to be a big brother.
It has been nearly a year since I posted on this blog and that was for Jacob's baptism. Since we made the announcement of Jacob's little brother or sister's existence (due Feb. 27), we've got a ton of support from our wonderful and loving family, as well as from most of our friends.
A few though, while not being rude about it, have seemed more concerned than elated for us. Friends, I understand where you are coming from.
Yes, I work three jobs over the course of the year to pay bills.
Yes, Kelli babysits to help pay bills.
Yes, life is stressful with one small child.
Yes, it will be more stressful with two small children.
Yes, a house is expensive and so are student loans.
Yes, life is expensive and something always comes up to cost money.
But not one of those things listed above gives Kelli and I the slightest pause in choosing to celebrate with great joy the coming birth of our new child. Children are a gift from God. For every challenge Jacob has presented, he's been a tenfold blessing.
Some more answers to common questions.
Was this pregnancy planned?
We don't plan pregnancies in this family the way some would describe things. God does. But since you asked, we did not attempt Natural Family Planning either. We were open to a child, and we got one.
Are you worried?
Only in the sense that taking on the responsibility for a new life is a daunting task. In that regard, I think all parents have a healthy sense of worry. But Kelli and I are a couple of hope, faith, and a surprising resiliency.
Are you excited?
You bet your butt! I have no idea who this little person inside Kelli will be. He or she could be another little Jacob with crazy energy. They could be a shy little one. They could be an athlete, they could have health issues. They could be anyone, but whoever they are, he or she is our child, and OF COURSE we're excited.
How will you make it?
We just will. We'll work harder. We'll work longer. I'll give up sleep or recreation. I'll pray and I'll toil and I'll hug and kiss my kids and wife and tell them I love them.
The idea that you need to be rich to properly care for kids is a myth. Kids don't need NIKEs and PS4s. They need food and clothes and love (not cheap, to be sure) and even a generation ago the middle and lower middle class managed to have 3-5 kids and still make due without assistance. Have a little faith in me. I'll provide for my family.
Here's a long story. Skip to the last sentence for the point of it all.
Last night, Kelli, being pregnant, wasn't feeling well. With much to do in prep for Jacob's birthday party, I needed some help. Kelli's mom came over to watch Jacob so I could do yardwork.
In the course of yesterday, I broke a brand-new baby gate, dealt with my busiest day of the month at work, ran to the store to get Kelli some meds, mowed a lawn, weeded some flower beds, sprayed the yard and fixed the back stairs and lawn timbers.
Before Grandma arrived, I ate two cold hot dogs for dinner while holding a screaming Jacob.
While I was at it in the yard, despite a lawnmower and headphones, I could hear little Jacob screaming away inside with Grandma. See, the poor kid hasn't been feeling well and is getting over a virus.
In fact, he's been such a holy terror that I have resorted to deep breathing exercises more than once to help me deal with him.
BUT, then came bedtime. Still fussy, and going without Kelli who had retired early to bed, Jacob and I headed up for story time. We read the children's Bible account of John baptizing Jesus, played with his little yellow duck, and said our prayers.
Right before bed I gave my son a kiss on the cheek and a hug. He said. "Daddy" and hugged me back, laying his head on my shoulder.
And right there, in that one moment, Monday was a great day.
Kids aren't granted to everyone, and that's ok. But for those of us blessed enough to be parents, the chaos, the crazy, the stress, the occasional feeling of hell, doesn't even begin to compare to those beautiful moments where it is all worth it.
Now here's something I'd like to prepare you all for.
We're not done, Lord willing. Kelli and I choose for moral reasons to not use contraception. While we reserve the right to observe her body's natural cycle for the purpose of spacing children (NFP), we are still young and extremely likely to have more kids. We are open to having them.
(Edit: While we believe ourselves to be in compliance with moral law on these matter, do not construe this as a judgement against those who make different choices. God is the judge of such things, not me.)
How many?
I don't know. I'd love to have 3, 4, 5 etc. But if God gives us 8, 10 or 20, our happy duty is to be their parents. A parent accepts their child with love.
I will continue to give of myself fully to my wife and family. Kelli does the same for me. We are blessed in so many ways and if God chooses to bless us with more children after "Stege-baby No. 2," skip back to the above questions.
Yes, we're excited.
So proud of your beliefs,and your openness to God's plans, whatever they may be. God bless you for your faith!