Friday, March 1, 2013

Sede Vacante

We are a world without a pope, but we are not a world without hope.

As Benedict XVI said prior to resigning, he takes joy in knowing that the Church is God's, not his, and not even ours. God has never left us without a shepherd, even in the times without a pope we know that Christ himself is the true head of the Church.

The Holy Spirit will assist the cardinals and soon enough we'll have a new pope. I don't have any idea who it will be but I know that, as Benedict XVI also said, the Lord can work through even insufficient means.

We are popeless, not hopeless, someone wrote on Twitter.

Covering this in the Catholic media world has been unique. The secular media seems obsessed with trying to portray as a Church in shambles, in a tailspin, mired in controversy, but what I see is something else.

The same divisions within our Church remain, the resignation was a surprise, and there are controversies, but we're a Church filled with thanks for our Pope Emeritus. We're a Church filled with hope for the future pope. We're a Church united, no matter what the so-called "Vaticanistas" on the cable news networks say.

Take faith friends, the Church has survived everything, it will survive this sede vacante, and the next. Our popes take on a great office, but they are mortal men. Our Church is immortal, as is its head, Jesus Christ.

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